What Characters Are Available?

There are many characters, each of which belong to a certain class.
You choose your class before you start the game, which will then decide what type of characters you have available, and also any other options specific to your class.

Each class of characters have their own advantages and disadvantages.

The following classes are available :

How Can I Get New Troops In The Game?

To get new troops in the game, you need to purchase the appropriate buildings and technologies.
Each class starts with a few simple troops, and once you build the righ military buildings and purchase some military technologies you will then be able to start recruiting the more advanced troops.

To see what is required, be sure to check the Characters page for your class, and see what the Requirements are for each troop. Then you can cross-reference that with the Buildings and Techs pages.

Assigning/Training New Troops

Once you purchase the new troop technologies, you can go to the Military Training page and the new troops should now be visible in the "Assign" select box of the building you purchased the tech/upgrade.
Simply assign the new troops, and a turn later you can select that new troop for training.

Buying/Deploying New Troops

Buying and deploying new troops is done via Barracks type buildings.
Simply click on your Barracks and a BUY select box will appear listing all the available troops.
Clicking on the BUY button will show you the cost of the selected troop, and allow you to purchase as many as you have available.
Once you have purchased the new troops, they will become a new army.
Note: You can only deploy troops prodcuded from that building

Troop Production

Troop production is automatic.
Every turn you will get a certain number of new troops waiting in your Barracks.
You can manage which troops you wish to produce via the Military Training page in the Game window.

Moving Your Army

To move any army, simply click on your army and then click on a destination location.
If your army does not have enought MovementPoints to make the full distance, it will travel as far as it can along the shortest route path.
How far you can move is defined by Movement Skill x Terrain%.
eg. 8/10 MovementPoints Plains(100%) would allow you to move 8 sqrs.

How Often Can I Move/Attack?

You get 100% BattlePoints and your movement skill in MovementPoints every TURN.
Every hour your armies will regenerate a small portion depending on the speed of the game.
eg, in a 4hr game, you would get 25% BattlePoints every hour.